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Faith Formation
& Discipleship

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VBS bags
confirmands 2019
Communion Class 3
Caroling at PVSC 12-2017
Confirmation retreat AB 2
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Oasis pic
clothing drive pic

Adult Education Forums

Book studies, current topics, and outside speakers are just a few of the areas that fit this heading. Suggestions for special classes are encouraged.



Youth at Emmanuel are invited to participate in our Confirmation program, including a retreat, held throughout the school year. Students in 6th grade and higher are welcome.

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Image by Alexis Brown

Bible Studies

People are encouraged to participate in a Bible study. They occur in homes and at church--even on Zoom!--and may study lectionary (readings for worship), books or other related topics. In addition, all provide wonderful fellowship opportunities.

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There is a spiritually filling women’s retreat offered each year, for a small fee. We are always looking for ideas for other retreats during the year. Scholarships are available; contact Pastor Tricia before registering!

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Sunday School

We offer Sunday School for children ages 5-11 during the 11:00 am service throughout the school year.

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Vacation Bible School

VBS, held each summer in various formats, gives our children of the local community a chance to be kids and have fun as they learn about the wonders of God. They get to do this through dance, play, song, art, role play and more! At the same time, our big kids, the grown-ups, help make it happen. It is a fun-filled memorable experience for all and is not to be missed!

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Sometimes our activities and schedules change; subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date!

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