Sunday Services:
Traditional: 9:00 am
Contemporary: 11:00 am
Fifth Sunday: 10:00 am
Outreach is a valued part of our worship. We strive to be God's hands on Earth.
The Outreach Ministry has several ongoing outreach projects that include:
Food Bank
Blood Drive
Habitat for Humanity
Navajo Lutheran Mission
Spring Fling
Back-to-school backpacks
Blanket Sunday
Dollars for Tools
Christmas Angel trees: Families in need, Seniors in need, Lutheran Navajo Mission
Change jar: collected change goes to relieving World Hunger
Interfaith Meals: The twice-a-month meal prepared and given out free to the community. We would like to see this grow to a weekly meal.
Souper Bowl Sunday: Money is collected in soup pots by the church youth on Super Bowl Sunday for Lutheran World Relief
Community Volunteerism: Members are encouraged to volunteer in the community and report on their charity work to the church.
Monthly Outreach Partners
Outreach projects rotate on a monthly basis for over 20 qualifying non-profit agencies in Yavapai County. Check the Outreach Ministry bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall for current listings of Volunteer Opportunities—to discover the best fit for you... for where your time and talents are needed in our community.
Click here to view our scheduled 2024 Missions Outreach partners, though the schedule can change. If you'd like to stay informed about adjustments to our calendar, click here to subscribe to our weekly e-blast.